We are thrilled to announce that Anurika De Silva has been awarded the prestigious David White Teaching Award at the 2024 University of Melbourne Excellence Awards.
Congratulations to PhD student Meg Tully who won the Peoples' Choice Award for her presentation on “In silico modelling of triple artemisinin-based combination therapies to inform dosing in areas with...
Congratulations to Jess on being awarded an NHMRC Investigator Grant, for her research in " Developing, translating and implementing biostatistical expertise in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials ".
Karen Lamb was today awarded the SSA Service Award at the 2023 Australian Statistical Conference. Karen was appointed co-chair of the ASC2023 Scientific Program Committee (jointly with David Price) in...
Congratulations Ghazaleh on being awarded a NHMRC Investigator Grant for her project " New statistical methods to maximise the impact of longitudinal cohort studies for investigating causal pathways to disease...
John Carlin was awarded the prestigious Pitman Medal by the Statistical Society of Australia, which recognises outstanding achievement in, and contribution to, the discipline of statistics.
Congratulations Anurika on receiving the Award for Learning and Teaching Acheivement at the University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Staff Excellence Awards Ceremony.