Jessica Kasza awarded an NHMRC Investigator Grant

Congratulations to Jess on being awarded an NHMRC Investigator Grant, for her research in "Developing, translating and implementing biostatistical expertise in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials".
Jess is an Associate Professor in Biostatistics within the Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. In this role, she works closely with Monash-based and international collaborators in the "Cluster cluster", leading the development of statistical methodology for longitudinal cluster randomised trials, including the stepped wedge and cluster cross over designs.
Within ViCBiostat, Jess has been a key member of the centre since joining in 2013 as a postdoctoral researcher, and now sits on the Executive Committee. She is a dedicated mentor and supervisor, and contributes her significant expertise through seminars and teaching in our summer school short courses.
Congratulations again Jess!