New resource: Career paths for academic biostatisticians

Working as a biostatistician can take many different forms, including following an academic path, typically at a University or a research organisation, working in industry, for example in a pharmaceutical company or clinical research organisation (CRO), or working in government, where the main roles are in applied work supporting the development and evaluation of policies, products and programs.
In this document, we provide an overview of academic careers in biostatistics, describing the activities that are conducive to career progression within this path. For completeness we also provide a brief overview of alternative careers in biostatistics.
This document was written by Katherine Lee on behalf of The Victorian Centre for Biostatistics (ViCBiostat) & the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance Statistics In Trials Interest Group (ACTA-STInG)
Find it here:
Lee, Katherine (2023). Career Paths for Academic Biostatisticians. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Online resource.