19 Feb 2018 09:00am to 23 Feb 2018 05:00pm

ViCBiostat Summer School 2018

Event Location
Conference Room 1
553 St Kilda Road Melbourne Australia
Melbourne VIC 3004
Prof Paul Lambert
University of Leicester
Prof Paul Dickman
Karolinska Institute
Joanne completed her PhD with Monash University. Her research interests include methodological issues in meta-analysis of randomised trials with continuous outcomes, selective inclusion and reporting of results in randomised trials...
Emily Karahalios
Emily is Deputy Head of the Biostatistics Unit at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, and coordinator for the Master of Biostatistics courses at...

This year our Summer School is in conjunction with Cancer Council Victoria to present a five day Melbourne program.

Monday and Tuesday will be a course on meta-analysis methods presented by ViCBiostat.  These can be taken together or as single day options.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are stand-alone courses hosted by ViCBiostat and Cancer Council Victoria and delivered by international experts in statistical methods in population cancer research.

The courses all include extensive discussion of practical examples and hands-on training in relevant statistical software using the Stata and R packages.

Who should attend?

Monday and Tuesday: This course is suitable for quantitative epidemiologists and applied statisticians working in health research.  It will be assumed that participants will have a working knowledge of the statistical package Stata, and have training or experience of introductory statistics and multivariable regression.  For participants enrolling in day 2 only, knowledge of the material covered in day 1 will be assumed. 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: The focus is on principles and application rather than mathematical detail; a degree in mathematics or statistics is not required. Some prior knowledge of survival analysis methods would be an advantage.



19th & 20th February - Meta-analysis

Course summary
Course timetable

21st February - Beyond the Cox model - flexible parametric survival models and extensions

Course summary
Course timetable

22nd February - Statistical methods for population-based studies of cancer patient survival

Course summary
Course timetable

23rd February - Applying methods from previous 2 days

Course summary
Course timetable


Stata V14 or above required for all sessions



Click here to see course fees.

Registration now open via Trybooking.  Book here.