MRFF Grant Success

ViCBiostat investigators and postdocs are co-investigators on trials awarded over $12 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).


Prof Andrew Forbes "The Long-term Outcomes of Lidocaine Infusions for persistent Post Operative Pain in patients undergoing breast surgery (LOLIPOP) Trial" $4,334,375  (PI Professor Tomas Corcoran, Monash University) 


Prof. Julie Simpson & Dr Rob Mahar “ProTreat: an adaptive and rapid implementation trial of novel therapies to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection in high risk cancer patients” $2,169,932 (PI Professor Monica Slavin, University of Melbourne)


Prof Katherine Lee "Telerehabilitation for early intervention to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants born preterm and their parents’ well-being: a randomised controlled trial" $1,819,841.50 (PI Dr Alicia Spittle, Murdoch Children's Research Institute)


Prof Katherine Lee "Does cannabidiol reduce severe behavioural problems in youth with intellectual disability? A randomised controlled trial" $883,484.50 (PI A/Prof Daryl Efron, The University of Melbourne)


Ms Sabine Braat "A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of polysomnographic titration of non-invasive ventilation in motor neurone disease" $3,480,676 (PI Professor David Berlowitz, University of Melbourne)


Prof. Leonid Churilov "A randomised controlled trial of ultra-early, minimally invasive surgery for intracerebral haemorrhage (EVACUATE)"  $2,138,226 (PI Professor Bruce Campbell, University of Melbourne)


Dr Anneke Grobler "Suicide prevention among men in early fatherhood: Determining the effectiveness of Working Out Dads, a group-based peer support intervention to reduce fathers’ mental health difficulties compared to usual care" $951,000 (PI Associate Professor Rebecca Giallo, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)


Related People

Leadership Team
Leadership Team
Prof Katherine Kate Lee
Leadership Team
Sabine Braat
Affiliated Researcher
Prof Leonid Churilov
Affiliated Researcher
Core Researcher
Anneke Grobler
Affiliated Researcher