Ghazaleh Dashti awarded NHMRC Investigator Grant

Ghazaleh Dashti

Congratulations Ghazaleh on being awarded a NHMRC Investigator Grant for her project "New statistical methods to maximise the impact of longitudinal cohort studies for investigating causal pathways to disease"


The 5 year EL1 grant will support her program of substantive and methodological research in biostatistics, with a focus on developing and evaluating causal inference methods to study causal pathways to disease using longitudinal cohort studies. 


Longitudinal studies are uniquely placed to advance our understanding of causal pathways to disease. However, analytic methods and expertise for extracting value from these studies are lacking. Ghazaleh's program will address this gap by developing and disseminating new statistical methods and collaborating in prominent longitudinal studies. The outcomes will be much-needed tools for analysing longitudinal studies and new knowledge for improving health outcomes across the life course.

Ghazaleh is a Senior Research Officer (biostatistician) and key member of the causal inference research team within the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit at Murdoch Children's Research Institute. Some of her key publications are available on her profile. Within ViCBiostat, Ghazaleh is instrumental in the delivery of Summer School short courses a well as the co-convenor of the invited monthly seminar series.


Congratulations again Ghazaleh, we look forward to seeing the outputs of your work in the coming years!


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