5 Jun 2017 09:00am to 9 Jun 2017 05:00pm

ViCBiostat Winter School 2017

Event Location
Vernon Collins Lecture Theatre, Royal Children's Hospital
50 Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052
Lyle Gurrin is Professor of Biostatistics at the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, and President of the Victorian Branch of the...
Jessica Kasza
Jess is a Professor in Biostatistics at Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. She joined ViCBiostat and Monash in 2013 as a postdoctoral researcher after completing her...
Margarita Moreno Betancur
Margarita is co-lead of the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) at the MCRI and the University of Melbourne. Since completing her PhD in Biostatistics at Université Paris-Sud in 2014...
Julie is Head of the Biostatistics Unit at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne and Director of the Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical...
Prof Katherine Kate Lee
Katherine (Kate) is a professor of biostatistics at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and is the Associate Director: Biostatistics of the Melbourne Children’s Trials Centre. She also holds an honorary...
Cattram completed a PhD in biostatistics at the University of Melbourne in 2014. Her statistical areas of interest include the design and analysis of clinical trials and methods for missing...
Rory is a biostatistician at Monash University and contributes to a wide range of epidemiological and clinical research studies. He obtained his PhD in statistics from Southampton University (UK), subsequently...


The inaugural ViCBiostat Winter School will commence in June this year with a 5 day Melbourne program, designed to provide an intensive introduction to a range of intermediate to advanced statistical methods that are important in modern health research. The courses will include extensive discussion of practical examples and hands-on training in relevant statistical software using the Stata and R packages.

Who should attend?

Prerequisite knowledge for this workshop is a sound understanding of epidemiological and statistical concepts including multivariable regression models.  The level of course material is well beyond an introduction to biostatistics. Knowledge of either Stata or R is important with participants expected to be able to conduct reproducible statistical analyses using the programming language in at least one of these packages.


5th & 6th June - Introduction to Causal Inference
PRESENTERS:  Assoc Prof Lyle Gurrin, Dr Jessica Kasza, Dr Margarita Moreno-Betancur
Course summary
Timetable Days 1 & 2
Suggested reading

7th June - Multiple Imputation for Missing Data
PRESENTERS: Prof Julie Simpson, A/Prof Katherine Lee & Dr Cattram Nguyen
Course summary
Timetable - Day 3
Suggested reading

8th & 9th June - Advanced Survival Analysis
PRESENTERS: Dr Margarita Moreno-Betancur, Prof Rory Wolfe
Course summary
Timetable - Days 4 & 5
Suggested reading


Participants are expected to have copies of required software R or Stata V12 applicable for each day pre-installed on laptops and ready to use required for all sessions.

Click here to see course fees.

Registration via Trybooking now open.