Longitudinal and Correlated Data


Monday 11 February & Tuesday 12 February
Presenters – Prof John Carlin & Prof Andrew Forbes

Days 1 and 2 will provide an introduction to the theory and application of the statistical methods that are commonly used for analysing longitudinal and correlated data from epidemiological or clinical studies (e.g. cluster randomised trials, longitudinal cohort studies). These methods include generalised estimating equations (GEEs) and generalised linear mixed-effects models. Participants will also learn how to implement the methods presented through a series of practical computing exercises with examples in Stata and R.

Wednesday 13 February
Presenter – A/Prof Lyle Gurrin

On Day 3, participants will be provided with an introduction to Bayesian methods followed by an explanation of the application of Bayesian methods to analyse longitudinal and correlated data, building on the data examples presented on days 1 and 2 of the course. The application of Bayesian analyses to data will be demonstrated using the statistical software package WinBUGs.